Saturday, March 12, 2011

How can I lose weight when living on a college campus?

drop the soda, you'll lose weight like crazy. have 3 solid meals a day, nothing more, and don't eat after 6:30! Drink lots of water!!

I am looking into direct sales.?

I was wondering if any one could give me some information on a good direct sales company. I did Avon a couple of years back and I found I was spending more money than making it. I am looking for a good company with little or no start up fees and something that is easy to sell. I don't mind doing parties, but I am not a natural sales person, so I also would like no minimum on the orders. Any info would be appreciated!

Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?

Because it's a dairy item and it will spoil eventually.

Why did Jerry Brown lose the Senate Race in California after he stopped being Governor in 1982?

Any hope I had for California to turn itself around just went out the window when Brown was elected.

Does anyone know the action replay code for shinny entie evemt?

I need the code since it never came to Colorado, Avon and more that 50 people are ad that we never got the event so I ask if any one knows the code to help us out!!!! Please its the shiuny entie event thats it nothing else.!!!!

Advice about Progesterone Pills/Cream?

I've seen the cream at GNC. Not sure about the pills. I've read to use the cream from ovulation to your period but when my sister was on the pills (she got them from the doctor) she said she took them from 5-10 says post period every cycle. I just started Vitex (chasteberry) to try to regulate my periods which are anywhere from 35-65 days since I started tracking them. Hoping it helps to shorten and regulate my cycles and have read it can help with ovulation as well. Trying to lose weight too, but I lost 60 pounds a little over a year ago and that never helped regulate my periods before!

The Garden of Eden, an honest explanation/discussion?

I have an understanding of the concept that is the Garden of Eden, a paradise on Earth where all creatures lived together in harmony devoid of the worst traits of humanity, but what happened to it? If God banished humans from the Garden how come it does not exist today as the garden was not just a home for humans but all creatures, were they banished with us or perhaps forced into becoming beasts of burden? I would like any sensible answer if I could, I am an atheist but like to explore the gospels and other religious works as I have an honest respect for anyone that dedicates themselves to study, no matter what there text. I was speaking to someone (a Christian) who truly believes the Garden of Eden was not on Earth but a paradise created by God (heaven maybe) that as a result of our actions as humans we removed from and therefore must dedicate our lives into doing good and repenting for these early sins, what do you think of that as well, sorry for the double question